How to Troubleshoot Problems Receiving Email
This article offers assistance for those users that are unable to receive email. The steps to troubleshoot this issue depend on the way you check your email. fix MSN Email issues
An email client – examples include desktop applications such as Microsoft Outlook and Mac Mail, or from a device such as a mobile phone.
A combination of the above – an example would be checking your email at home/office using a desktop application, and then checking using webmail while at an alternate location.
Troubleshoot Webmail
If you’re stuck and not sure why your webmail isn’t working like it should, try out these ideas to isolate a possible solution.
- If you send yourself an email and it does not arrive in your webmail account, be sure that you are logging into webmail using your full email address (, for example) as the username, and not using your cPanel username (userna5, for example) as your webmail username. Our webmail video tutorial includes instructions on how to properly log into Webmail and view your email settings.
- If your email account is over its disk quota, you will not receive email as well. You can check your email account’s quota by logging into your cPanel and clicking the Email Accounts icon. A list of email accounts will show, and next to each email account will be listed its quota and the actual amount of disk space that it is using. If it is over quota, delete email to free up space or click the Change Quota link next to the email account and increase the disk quota available for that email account.
- If you have Spam Assassin enabled on your account, the emails that you are missing may have been identified as spam by Spam Assassin and either deleted or moved to a spam folder. If you see a spam folder, please check it first. If you are receiving some but not all of your email, this is most likely the culprit. If you are not receiving any email at all, you’ll want to continue to the next troubleshooting step.
- On occasion, our System Administration team may migrate your account to another server. If you have received an email from us indicating that this has taken place, you’ll want to be sure you’re logging into the webmail on your new server and not your previous server. If you access webmail via, then this shouldn’t be a problem. If you access webmail via the server name, such as, you’ll want to reference the email sent to you for the new server name. For example, you may have been moved from the biz42 server to the sb57 server, in which case you would use
- If you have external MX records in place, the server may be attempting to deliver your email locally on the server instead of delivering the email to the servers listed as your MX records. Please contact our support department if you do have custom MX records, and request that they review the domain’s local/remote domains configuration. If you don’t know whether or not you have external MX records in place, most likely you do not as such a change cannot be made without a written request to the Support Department.
Troubleshoot Your Email App
If you haven’t already, we recommend reading our step by step tutorial for your specific app (a.k.a. email client): Email Client Setup
Are you Getting any Error Messages?
- If you are receiving an error, it is best to review your email account’s basic configuration in your email client.
- Please ensure that you are using your full email address as your username, and not your cPanel username.
- Please ensure you are using the correct password. Your email password is the password you set when you initially created the email account within cPanel.
- Please ensure that you do not have an option enabled that is similar to, “Log on using Secure Password Authentication (SPA)“
- If the error message you are receiving is actually a password prompt, please reset your email account’s password within cPanel and test again. You can reset the email password by logging into your cPanel, accessing the Email Accounts section, and clicking the Change Password link next to the email account you are working with.
- If you are getting an error message, but it is not a prompt asking for your username and password, contact our Support Department for further assistance and be ready to supply the full error message that you are receiving.
- If you are not receiving any error messages, log into your Webmail and ensure that you have email in your INBOX for your email account to download. You can log into your webmail via Be sure to replace with your actual domain name, use your full email address as your username, and use your email account’s password as the password. If you see emails in your INBOX from within Webmail, then your email client should be able to download them. Open your email account’s settings from within your email client and be sure that you have your POP/SMTP server set to, with being your actual domain name.
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